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travel wrench review

impact kerambit personal protection self defense tool

18 Jul 2006 KELLY S. WORDEN'S TRAVEL WRENCH IMPACT KERAMBIT OF THE FUTURE Exerpt from the Travel Wrench TRAINING MANUAL The Travel Wrench is a Devastatingly Effective Yet Low Profile Non-Lethal Force Tool for Personal Protection YOUR PERSONAL PROTECTION TOOL FOR TODAY'S
clip. Never sharpened. There is a box. Looking for: Microtech (manual only, please - I impact kerambit - shomer-tec - The Impact Kerambit is an extremely low-profile device that looks to the un- initiated The Impact Kerambit Training Manual (2003, 68 pages) and a companion DVD karambit drill/technique - youtube - Oct 18,
ST-L20 The Impact Kerambit is an extremely low-profile device that looks to the un-initiated to be simply an odd-looking L-shaped piece of plastic. However, to the user, once you slip your index finger through the ring and g.
2 Jan 2010 This is a discussion on Impact Kerambit/ Travel Wrench within the Defensive Knives & Other Weapons forums, part of the Defensive Carry Discussions category; Has anyone had real life experience with the . I've seen FBI produced training material on a forum that specifically identified this as a weapon.
Impact Kerambit - - Powered by FusionBB -;; One advantage of the Impact Kerambit and the C-T Stinger is that they fit any size hand. Buying a user's manual would be like shucking out ten bucks for a some training in cqb, both with empty hand and impact weapons. Location: Las
12 Oct 2012
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The Impact Kerambit is an extremely low-profile device that looks to the un-informed to be simply an odd-looking L-shaped piece of plastic. However, to the user, once you slip your index finger through the ring and grasp it, you have a devastating self-defense device in your hand. Use the rubberized training version to
However, once you slip your index finger through the ring and grasp the Kerambit, you have a devastating self-defense device in your hand. This discrete self defense kit includes an Impact Kerambit, rubber training Impact Kerambit, pocket clip, training DVD and manual! With a little practice, you'll be able to walk through
